Marco's Blog

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Tag: Project Management

  • Agile Methodology 1.0

    Agile Methodology 1.0

    Agile is a management methodology, developed mainly in the software development environment. Why was it created? The old management systems, Waterfall in particular, no longer met the needs of new types of projects. As often happens, over time, things change and the same happens with Project Management, which by definition must vary, and must be…

  • Project Management 3 Planning Phase

    Here we have arrived at the Planning phase, that is, the planning of the project itself. The planning is composed of 3 elements So let’s start with the first step of planning. Schedule Kick-off A meeting of no more than an hour with Team Members and various stakeholders aims to align everyone and ensure that…

  • Project Management 2 Initiation

    This phase is the first in a project, the one that starts it. Among all the traits to be considered in this phase, it is necessary to focus on: Goals: the customer’s request. This is the desired output. By definition it must be clear, and defined, like the objectives, it must be SMART Scope: it…

  • Project Management 1 Fundamental

    Project management is the discipline that seeks to teach how to properly manage a project. But what does this really mean? It means being able to correctly integrate tools, knowledge, techniques, and people to achieve the desired result. Let’s start with what is meant by Project. A project consists of a set of activities that…